
Florida, United States

Friday, November 03, 2006

Election Time - Get informed, spread the word

“An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.”

James Madison, Federalist No. 58, 1788

Alright, its election time and some have been asking me about this one. If you're not a Christian, understand that is my perspective (let me know because you need to know how you can become one. There is no hope without Christ Jesus.)

Let me just make some things clear up front;

  1. I will never knowingly vote for any candidate that openly supports abortion or any other sick ungodly agendas.
  2. I know my God is in control, so much so that He gave us this great country and its system of citizen control and influence over limited government (if we exercise it.)
  3. It is not wrong, unchristian, hateful or rebellious to require accountability from our government, because this is America where that is exactly how this nation came into being, by God's grace.
  4. It is not (and there is a lot of confusion on this one) good, patriotic, caring or loving to just sit through our uniquely American existence, a gift from God, silent while those that supposedly represent us continue their drunken drive of lust and power in our name (and in turn Christ's name), ruining our republic.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh… now that that’s clear…

I’m in quite a position this next Tuesday. It will be difficult for me to make some of the “choices” when I go to vote, and yes, I will vote. There are two sources of information that I use to determine who to vote for. The first is what a candidate says and the second, and by far the most important, is what they have done. It’s that dirty old “fruit inspection” theory. Well it’s biblical Christian, sorry.

Here’s the problem for us conservative Christians, there is not much of a choice and I mean that. There really is not a choice in most cases anymore. I will discuss my remedy in a moment but let me try and get you other “conservative” Christians to wake up for a second. Reality check time. And if you think Christians should just get alone and take what comes, just stop reading now. You are beyond hope. Go back to football, cookouts and vacations because life is a bed of roses, really. The rest of us, come on:

Correct me with real facts if I’m wrong but here are the facts as I see them. The first issue that should be a block for any Christian voting for someone is the American holocaust of abortion. Call it what it is, if you are really “pro-life”, it is a holocaust. You have no reason to talk about how bad Hitler was if you can’t admit this. And standing on a sidewalk one hour a year holding a sign and nothing else is not being “active” (it’s better than nothing I guess.) If a candidate is not going to make abolishing baby killing a priority, in my opinion, they should not even be running as a conservative Christian. And if we can’t get the abortion issue taken care of, no other issue matters, really. It’s about as cut and dry an issue as you can have.

Well then we should vote for the GOP (Republicans) then right? “They’ll do something about abortion.” How long can you repeat a lie before you begin to believe it? Check these facts out and rethink your reality, and your voting strategy:

The Facts:

It was a Republican dominated U.S. Supreme Court that legalized abortion on demand in 1973 by deciding both Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Republicans authorized the killing of over 45 million unborn babies and there is no other way to spin that. Since then Republican dominated Courts have reaffirmed abortion-on-demand time and time again, to include the current Court. Just a few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court, without comment or dissent, rejected a request from Sandra Cano to reconsider the Doe v. Bolton case (She was the woman who was used as the plaintiff in the case) that created a 'health' exception for abortions. This case, with Roe v. Wade made abortion-on-demand completely legal in almost any stage of pregnancy! Currently “Republican” picked judges makeup the majority on this Court by a 7-2 margin. This does not constitute the “Party of Life” to me.

Democrats may say they are pro-abortion but Republican Party members have actually given it to us. Spin it if you want, but that is the fact.

Here’s another fact to consider:

· When “Christian” Republican George W. Bush became president in 2001, a staggering 4,000 unborn babies were being aborted daily! See how evil Clinton was (I know, I know, he was. But…)

· Six years later during which we have had a Republican controlled House, Senate, White House and Supreme Court (basically the entire federal government has been Republican controlled… for six years), there are now a paltry 4,000 unborn babies being aborted daily! See how good our Republican leaders are?

Nothing has changed Christian! For six years, pro-life Christians have been fed a bunch of rhetoric to support the “lesser of two evils” lie! That is a controlling, deceptive and satanic lie.

“But what about the “partial-birth abortion ban” that Bush signed? He’s doing something to end abortion, right?” Wrong!!! You think this confirms his Christian stance? That bill has not saved a single unborn child. All it did was legitimize all the other types of abortion. Here are the facts:

· 99% of all abortions are outside that ban! What a joke.

· That bill prompts mothers considering abortion to do so earlier in the pregnancy than they may have before, leaving less time for them to consider not doing it.

If anything, the partial-birth abortion bill has helped speed-up abortions.

But Christians buy the lie that something has been done by our good “Christian” Republican leaders.

The only representative who has put his money where his mouth is would be Representative Ron Paul of Texas who introduced H.R. 776, The Sanctity of Life Act of 2005, a bill "to provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception," How many supporters did he have in the House? Five! And total silence from the White House. Why did his bill not get support from the GOP or the president? Because there is no difference in the GOP and the Democrats. When will Christians realize this? God’s people truly do perish due to a lack of knowledge. You may as well call them Republicrats and Demopublicans. It is like belief in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, it was cute when you were young but it’s pathetic as an adult.

The national GOP has supported numerous pro-choice Republicans running against pro-life Republicans in primary races throughout the country. That happens all the time and is sick.

· “Christian” President George W. Bush also gave his support recently to the “Plan B” over the counter abortion pill pushing the FDA to approve it. Has he lost his mind or just his morals or does he know exactly what he is doing? That drug will grow the unknown number of unborn baby deaths to new highs.

· Bush has stated on the record that he thinks that America is not ready for a total abortion ban. He doesn’t speak for me.

· Bush supported and increased funding for Planned Parenthood.

· Bush appointed pro-abortion Judge Alito (based on Alito’s votes in 3 of 4 cases.)

· Bush has appointed pro-choice proponents like Secretary Rice and Attorney General Gonzalez to positions in his administration.

· Bush supported pro-abortion Specter’s re-election.

· Bush also publicly opposed the pro-life bill in South Dakota that outlawed all abortions with the sole exception of saving the life of the mother. So Bush has not only done nothing to end abortion, he has actually done much to assist it.

· Laura Bush has even stated for the record that both she and the President support Roe v. Wade.

Show me how the “most Christian” Republican President is “pro-life” in light of the facts.

Show me how the GOP is “pro-life” in light of the facts.

Pat Buchanan was right when he said that the two major parties are “two wings of the same bird of prey." Christians and especially leaders must begin to acknowledge that the two party system is worse than broken and start speaking out in support of truly conservative, true constitutionalists.

The pathetic “lesser of two evils” mantra is a control mechanism and the Church best break out of it before it is too late. The choice between Socialist Democrat and Fascist Republican is unacceptable and Christians should realize that through Christ more than that is possible and expected, and begin to demand it.

So basically, if we can’t get the baby killing issue straight with “conservative Christian” Republican control of the entire government, there is no need to go into any other issue for this discussion. Our founding fathers could not have fathomed that killing unborn children would be protected by American law. There is no difference but talk between to two major parties friend. It’s like claiming to wage a “War on Terror” without closing the borders, boy that would make no sense at all, would it?

“Among the numerous advantages promised by a well-constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction.”

James Madison, Federalist No. 10, November 23, 178

What am I gonna do?

So what am I doing this election, personally? I will go and vote for a few individuals that I determine I can in good conscious (this might only be a few judges, I’m still trying to determine who they are.) I will not participate in the ungodly process of “lesser of two evils” straight ticket, “hold your nose and vote”, faith-based hogwash that retail Christianity now operates under. It is not biblical and we have to end it. Would you vote for Nero and Caligula? I hope you would vote for neither. (You might want to look that up, of course they didn’t give the “right” of voting)

“A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.”

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1792

A Real Solution

I really think it’s to late this election to do the right thing. We will have the same result in two years because there are too few constitutionalists running. There I said it. The right thing is for Christians to remove themselves as a supportive group to the GOP that has lied, used, abused and abandoned them for a long time, over and over. Guys, it is a hoax, a gimmick that even our respected Christian leaders and pastors still believe and promote. To keep following the GOP now would be like a battered wife to keep taking abuse from a piece of trash scum husband under the delusion that he cares for her and her wellbeing. The church is supposed to be the bride of Christ why would she live like anything less? If the church continues to participate with the “lesser of two evils” mantra, our country truly is doomed.

So, I think the only choice is to vote for those you can honestly say you have looked into and you really believe they might support real abolishment of abortion and then apply the pressure for real legislation to do that this next term. That means writing letters, making phone calls and informing others to pressure representatives to actually do this, between elections. Instead of believing the cute sounding “If you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain”, start saying “If you aren’t active in holding your public servants accountable between elections, you are wasting your vote!”

But more importantly, and what I think the only solution is, start now to look ahead to 2008 and beyond. If all Christians would refuse to support either corrupt major party and begin raising their own politicians up, they could elect real Christians and maybe we could actually accomplish something. Oh, that’s right; churches can’t officially be political can they? After all, we wouldn’t want that tax exempt status yanked would we? The church has been effectively neutered by that one control mechanism. Oh, we are so controlled. If you really believe as children of God that we should not live in bondage, wake up and start looking around. Some believe that not voting a straight Republican ticket is actually a sin. I say that not participating in holding your government accountable daily in America is the real sin.

Get informed, get involved or we will be leaving a disgusting country to our children and grandchildren. That is a sin. Yes go vote, but understand what it is going take to see real change, unless you’ve already given up.

In Christ, Troy

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

John Adams, letter to H. Niles, February 13, 1818

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.”

George Washington, Circular to the States, May 9, 1753

"Not everyone who keeps saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will get into the kingdom of heaven, but only the person who keeps doing the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name, drove out demons in your name, and performed many miracles in your name, didn't we?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers!'"
(Matthew 7:21-23)