
Florida, United States

Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy Independence Day...Believer...

Happy Independence Day...Believer...

As modern Americans, we suffer various handicaps when it comes to the vigilance required to maintain the liberty and freedom which we have been entrusted with. Generations of educational and intellectual erosion have washed away a historic American identity. Into that void of collective memory loss has been poured a national lifestyle and dependency that necessitates a reliance on Government that is not just dangerous but ultimately destructive. We were born in the twentieth century missing a memory of our country's most basic life support requirement. Vigilance!

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." -John Philpot Curran - 1790

That is another way of saying the ones willing to participate or act will rule the ones that are either not willing or too busy to do so. I'm afraid we may have to do more than show up to vote once a year if we hope for America to change direction.

This is what prompted Benjamin Franklin to remark that the Founding Fathers had given us "A republic, if you can keep it."

The fertile ground of liberty has given way to every imaginable restriction requiring all manner of sanctioned licenses, permits and registrations. The more than 300 million American citizens are now by default, scrutinized, spied on and cataloged in the name of "safety and security" because there may be those wanting to harm us among us. So Americans are treated like subjects while a criminal banking elite wreaks havoc on the country in broad daylight and with the permission of elected officials. The few are constructing a police state around themselves while the rest of America remains vulnerable.

There is no security nor safety in the disregard of freedoms.

But having been born into a condition only a little better than the present one, most living Americans are willing to tolerate all manner of "evils", as long as they are "sufferable". As long as those "evils" do not interrupt Sunday ball games and summer vacations. American believers have additional mental hurdles to clear before getting in the game of securing their own country's future from within. After all, It could be God's will that our beloved Republic deteriorates into ungodly socialistic ground for our "end time" church to thrive.

Thank God some of the founding generation used their faith as the reason to do what was right instead of an excuse to allow what was wrong!

On this 233rd anniversary of our great festival, Independence Day, let us remember at least some of those words of reasoning and ordained thought from our Declaration of Independence...

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

We are well beyond "transient causes". Yet it seems that we still "are more disposed to suffer," Because apparently the current "evils are sufferable". That is sort of like choosing the lesser evil isn't it? This is precisely our current mode of national existence. Most of us Americans are too busy making the mortgage payment, putting food on the table or manicuring our lawns to concern ourselves with providing "Guards for our future security". Perhaps a future generation, our children or grand children will find the time and desire to reverse the trend. Unfortunately, that will probably be too late.

We still have hope to accomplish this necessary function if we will just realize the need and respond to the responsibility, especially followers of Christ. The mechanisms still exist within the Constitution of the United States to accomplish this. The answers and vehicle are there for us to right the country but it cannot wait for future generations. We must realize this as American believers. We are rapidly heading towards the day when not only will the Constitution be ignored by elected officials but we will no longer have the ability to even point that fact out, let alone remedy it.

We have to begin to care and begin to educate ourselves and one another on the God given rights and responsibilities that the Founding Fathers attempted to hardwire into our system of government. The effective means of correcting our predicament still exist but are by and large forgotten. Let's start remembering. It still begins with the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution including the Bill of Rights.

Remember what it is about... Happy Independence Day!
Eternal vigilance!

Please read the article "Is the Constitution Dead?" By Dr. Edwin Vieira
Please read the article "Independence Now and Forever" By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Watch the Declaration of Independence Performance Video