
Florida, United States

Thursday, September 28, 2006

IMPORTANT... Jesus Christ on trial... you can pray, just not in His name.

I wrote to the President back on December 21, 2005 concerning Navy Chaplain Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt's ordeal. Here is the text of that letter in case you haven't read it: on 12-21-2005...

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your continued service as the President of the United States.

I am writing to encourage you to intervene on behalf of Lieutenant Gordon Klingenschmitt, US Navy Chaplain. I became aware of his situation through reports on CBN news. He has been told by the Navy that he can not use the name of Jesus Christ in his prayers as a chaplain. I did not get to sign a 160,000 name petition asking for an executive order that would allow military chaplains to pray according to their faith that has been delivered to the White House, but consider my signature on it. When I was a member of the military, prayer from my chaplain was always prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. I know you, as an evangelical Christian yourself, would agree that the only true power in prayer is because of the authority of our savior, Jesus Christ. A prayer invoking any other authority, or no specific authority, would not constitute an appeal to the true God of the universe. For an American to be denied this simply foundational right, being in the military or not, chaplain or not, constitutes severe religious erosion. As Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces, you are in a position to at least slow the decline of our morality and religious freedom in this situation. Please act to restrain our Government, the Department of Defense and the Armed Forces from this type of religious suppression in our military as it is the basis of essential liberty in America.

Of course I eventually received back a form letter from the White House about how "faith" is so important to the President, bla bla bla. Faith in what?!

I just thought you need to know where Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt's case is, that would be in the court martial phase (click to read), and how much the President has done (despite160,000+ concerned requests to him) to act, being that he is such a good fellow "Christian" and all.

…Oh, by the way, notice who IS standing up for the good Chaplain, former Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore. Remember who he is? Remember how much the president did to help protect the constitutional actions of this fellow "believer"? Click here to read all about it.

More importantly read here about how the President rewarded the prosecutor of Moore's case (Moore was removed for refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building) by appointing Bill Pryor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th District.

Judge Moore ,Chaplain Klingenschmitt, and the President will all have their rewards one day. God will judge the just and the unjust, the faithful and the unfaithful, and those who stood up for Him and those who didn't.

Pray for these two fellow brothers and pray for our military men and women who basically now may have to disobey "policy" and direct orders to pray in Jesus' name (something that I am convinced saved my life on more than a few airborne operations.) If a Chaplain can be tried for praying in the name of Jesus Christ, where does that leave the rest of the military?

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." (Act 5:29)

Also see:
Watch VIDEO - Chaplain's story on Dr. D. James Kennedy

Navy planned to fire chaplain eight days BEFORE he appeared at White House - Wash Times

Chaplain "guilty" of disobedience, by wearing uniform to pray in Jesus name - AP

"Save the Chaplains" at