It is no secret that I am a staunch supporter of Texas Congressman Ron Paul for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008. I know, “not another Ron Paul” message. Stay with me… It hasn’t been too difficult convincing people considering the condition of the Republican Party and the current political environment in America. Everywhere I hand out flyers for Ron Paul to fellow Americans people seem eager to hear of a refreshing choice running for president. There is now an amazing number of people who seem to have heard of and are positive about Dr. Paul and his freedom message. All in all there is great grassroots support for Ron Paul and his message and it’s only growing. Where I think we have lost our way is our loyalty to men instead of truth; Godly, principled truth. What I want to accomplish in convincing you about Ron Paul is to convince you to choose and support this idea, the idea of freedom and liberty, rooted in the Constitution and ultimately scripture. An idea that has been propagandized and exploited until it no longer looks or means anything close to what it did just a hundred years ago or so. I can hear your programming kicking in “but what’s the point? It’s all controlled anyway. There is no chance so I must choose the least evil man.” I’ve become numb to such reasoning, if you can call it that. I used to think and say those words myself and I believed it. Come on, be a Joshua and Caleb! Whatever happened to Jesus’ statement “but with God all things are possible”? Forgive the lack of context but it is a general biblical fact regardless. Are American Christians that faithless or gutless that we will fall in line with whatever the world tells us is the “better” choice or “right” thing? I sure am glad our founding fathers did not use that line of reasoning, or we would still be an oppressed British colony. Remember, King George could (and did) point to his being ordained by God to rule. But this goes beyond the “lesser of two evils” mindset. For those still not familiar with Ron Paul, he is in his tenth term in the House of Representatives for the fourteenth district of Texas. He is an obstetrician, veteran flight surgeon, father, grandfather, and husband to the same wife of fifty years. He is a strict constitutionalist and has twenty years of votes in the House of Representatives to prove it. He has never voted to raise taxes, never voted for an unbalanced budget, never voted to restrict gun ownership, never voted to raise congressional pay, never taken a government-paid junket, refuses to take the congressional pension and always returns part of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury to name a few accolades. For that record he has earned the nickname “Dr. No” for his extremely conservative voting record in the House. So to put it mildly, Dr. Paul has a record that is unmatched in Congress from the foreseeable past, or future for that matter. But besides the unique historic precedent of the 1948 election, how electable, you might ask, is Congressman Paul, really? Then there is the internet. This election has the potential to prove what many talk radio hosts like to point out about the mainstream press today. The mainstream presses lack of acknowledgement of Dr. Paul’s growing support may be an insignificant factor and indicator of American opinion and choice. Talk radio is rivaled only by the internet as a major source of news and information for Americans today. This could become the deciding advantage that one Republican has truly tapped into and this could be the first national election where it matters. Ron Paul is a giant on the internet. “Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I [am] the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.” Make no mistake about it, the more you learn about our system of banking and money, the more you will realize it is the number one root of the evils in overall policy that we put up with as a nation. Congressman Ron Paul has consistently fought for a return to real money, against all odds, proposing the elimination of the FED and return to a gold standard. There are many good scholarly plans on how this can and should be done. Ron Paul takes the stance of the founding fathers when it comes to foreign policy. Be friends with all countries if possible but form alliances with none. Under a Ron Paul presidency America would stay out of the affairs of foreign countries while trading with all who care to play by the rules set by the American people as far as it does not violate the Constitution. The “show stopper” for a believer in my opinion is abortion. But since (almost) all supposed “conservative” Republican candidates claim to oppose abortion, we must inspect the fruit. Dr. Ron Paul, being an Obstetrician (OB-GYN) that has delivered over 4000 babies believes that human life begins at conception as a medical fact along with his personal faith view as outlined in scripture. As for the fruit, he put his political money where his mouth is when he introduced “the Sanctity of Life Act of 2005” that would have made all abortions illegal and would have been effective immediately without requiring an overturning of Roe v. Wade. He had little support from an otherwise mute Republican controlled House or White House. It’s almost as if he is the only Republican serious about ending abortion. This election, vote for the “greater good” candidate instead of the “lesser evil” one. Christians, support liberty. Support Ron Paul.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Support a Greater Good - Why Christians Should Support Ron Paul for President
The biggest resistance I have seen to this incredible message so far has been within the ranks of evangelical Christianity on the radio, on T.V. and some believers I personally talk with. Don’t get me wrong, I know many informed believers who are behind Paul all the way and I may have convinced a few myself, but there are many who are skeptical, blindly loyal to party favorites, or more often than not, flat-out misinformed. Granted, this perception of mine may be slightly skewed because of limited associations, but I believe it is somewhat common because I was there myself not too long ago. So I can relate. But the most disturbing resistance to Ron Paul from fellow believers that I have noticed comes in the form of a lack of belief in possibilities. Few disagree with his constitutional stances but his lack of notoriety to some makes him “unelectable”. But wait a minute; is not anything possible with our God? Even a modern day political miracle that would no doubt help our country climb out of the moral pit in which we find ourselves? American Christians have long prayed for America’s return to Godliness and decency. I propose that a Paul Presidency could represent just that, if we have the faith to accept it. He could represent just that because the reparation of our national morals, in the political sense, must begin with a return to a respect for the rule of law, subsequent only to the Bible, our Constitution.
You’ve read this far, so let’s get to the real information. I want to point out what I consider some big reasons Ron Paul should be the Christian’s choice for president in 2008. Be willing to look into the information and learn. Be willing to consider that there is a real devil who works through men and the affairs of men. But also be willing to know that God asks us to not only win souls but to resist evil when we have the opportunity and are guided to do so in His Word and by His Spirit, and in a Representative Republic, that includes in government. Ask God to guide you in influencing this Republic that we have been blessed with and the responsibility to participate in through choosing and influencing our leaders. Then be willing to step out in faith that it can be done with a “great good” President rather than a “lesser evil” one.
But you say you have never heard of Ron Paul so he can’t win? Who says the media? Let me point you to the presidential election of 1948. Harry S. Truman, was predicted to lose big, so much so that he snuck away from election night festivities, went to a hotel room in another town and slept. The predictions continued throughout the night until Thomas E. Dewey, the overwhelmingly favored Republican candidate, conceded the next morning to a rested and surprised Truman. Newspapers had already been printed “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN”. This was during a time when most of it was televised and telephone polling was, like today, the mainstream’s preferred indicator of a candidate’s status with the voters. Truman’s victory came despite a three-way split of his own party as well. All along, national polls had told a different story.
First there is his record in Congress. It is undeniable, staunchly conservative, unusually consistent, and fiercely constitutional. He has served on and headed various committees during his twenty years service. And what about those skeletons in the old closet that always seem to surface during the heat of a presidential run? So far Ron Paul is spotless and only time can tell on that one. Rest assured, however, that the longer a person hangs in a national campaign, the more sure that will become one way or another. I do know this, he has been married to the same woman for fifty years, is not a member of any secret death cult societies from Yale, hasn’t frequented the pages of his local paper for impropriety or drunkenness and when drafted to military service during the Cuban crisis, he actually showed up and served and stayed after his two year requirement for a total of five. One other thing on his electability, he represents a farming district and gets reelected even though he consistently opposes farm subsidies. That makes Ron Paul some kind of enigma in politics doesn’t it?
Besides the obvious “conservative” stances that Ron Paul takes, monetary policy is on of his strongest yet little understood by the American people. Better stated, we all know something is wrong but we seldom understand it. Ron Paul is for sound money! America (and the world system for that matter) is a fiat, inflationary money system. Ron Paul is against fiat, inflationary money. Guess what, so is God. Leviticus 19:35 and 36 reads:
A study of this scripture reveals that this debasement of money that God forbid his people to conduct was carried out physically by shaving coins so as to decrease the real value of it with little or no notice, leaving the next person with a little less real money. It was stealing by physical depreciation, pure and simple. Fraud in weights was fraud in money. This occurs with our money system today when the FED “shaves” value from our Federal Reserve notes by printing more backed by nothing more than credit and debt. This fraud, Of course, benefits the ones who first had access to the money and did the shaving. In America’s case this would be the Federal Reserve followed by the government and then the other banks. There are other scriptures that deal with money debasement (something that is occurring intentionally in our system of money): Prov. 11:1, 20:10, 23; Isa. 1:22; Amos 8:5-6; Mic. 6:10-12
Along the same lines as the debasement of our money system is the oppression by our tax system which hurts the middle class and poor most. Ron Paul proposes abolishing the IRS and replacing it with nothing. This is not as radical as you might think considering income taxes collected do not even service the interest on the national debt, let alone begin to pay for anything. At the same time, Dr. Paul wants to eliminate most of the wasteful federal departments that supposedly make the income tax necessary.
Ron Paul also realizes that to truly secure our great nation we must bring all American military forces home to both stop the meddling on other country’s soil as and more importantly to actually secure our borders for the first time in recent history. He believes war, according to the Constitution, is reserved to actually defending America and is the last resort. American “interests” usually represents “corporate” American “interests” and thus was excluded from the war powers as written in the Constitution. Of course Ron Paul believes that the Congress must declare war, not the President, something he insisted they do before the current war in Iraq, to no avail.
I know that there are many areas of concern that Christians have today but I think I have touched on the ones that should be the most urgent to a believer concerning who to support as President of the United States. Considering that the evangelicals that have supported the Republican party faithfully in recent years have been “kicked to the curb” time and time again by the party, it should be a breath of fresh air to finally have a true conservative Christian man running for the nomination that has real fruit to back up the words coming from his mouth. We don’t have to hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils this time around if we just have a little faith. Think about it, Ron Paul, after months of winning more straw polls than any candidate, winning most debates hands down, and finally being considered “top tier” by being one of the five “major” candidates now invited to the national GOP presidential fund raising dinner, and after raising over one million dollars in just seven days of online grassroots donations (actually $1,208,219.77 to be exact… in four days less than it took John Edwards to do the same thing), we have a very electable candidate that we can vote for and not compromise a single Christian principle in doing so. Now is the time to join a revolution that is happening with or without us but it is the right thing to do. This might be the last election in which that will occur and Christians don’t have to compromise.
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