Believers: I understand the desire to rejoice at the death of a bad guy and in this case a bad guy that we Americans have been strongly encouraged to hate… a lot. But the satisfaction many are getting from this is based on fear, not truth or love. I’m reluctant to get into all of the problems with the timing of the announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s death or even the history of him as it relates to our country or the fact that, although he was the FBI’s most wanted terrorist at one time, he was never officially wanted by the FBI for 9- 11 because they had “no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9- 11” those are the words of the FBI. 9- 11 was not even listed on his FBI wanted webpage. I won’t get into the protected charter flight of Bin Laden family members out of the US while all other commercial aircraft were grounded the days after 9- 11 or any of the other anomalies that are Osama Bin Laden. I’ll just say that the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death does not hurt the Administration’s (and the war’s) approval ratings, especially with neo-conservatives… I suspect the mass’ support for ongoing war and restrictions at home are being rejuvenated…
…One of the issues I have with the whole thing: The president indicated he learned of Bin Laden’s location LAST YEAR yet he waited (nine months) until confirming the intel to “take action”, yet I can remember on many occasions during this almost 10 years of “war on terror” when we have bombed or attacked entire weddings, funerals, houses and shacks, killing hundreds, if not thousands of innocents (including women and children) in several countries, in order to get ONE bad guy lower down on the “score card” or the Iraqi “deck of playing cards” or not even a top tier enemy combatant.. And many times with much less intel that was hastily vetted, often immediately… sometimes to learn it was the wrong location or the wrong guy. Oh well, that’s war, right? Collateral damage? This has become open military policy. Do We the People really approve of that? I’ve been in war, so please don’t give me the typical tunnel vision of” love of country” or “doing my duty” whoopla. And before it’s brought up, I know firsthand that the troops are often put in a spot because we are fighting to survive and we are trained to not question orders. But our military oaths place defense of the constitution (summarize “truth”) from enemies “foreign and domestic” and allegiance to it above following orders, even up to the president himself. We vets need to go back and read the oath we swore again, in the order it was proclaimed before God himself, and understand what we swore to…
…But while our focus is on the feeding frenzy that is now supposed to be a corpse at the bottom of the ocean, our government continues to hurl us deeper into debt to foreign banks (to the tune of trillions) and deeper into an Orwellian controlled society in the name of security and safety. A society that is becoming increasingly intolerant of only the religion of Christianity, of doing what is right and even of spreading of the Gospel truth. This is what we will leave our children if the Lord tarries, and he just might. Will they be able to end this “war” with the “impressive” intel they have captured from UBL’s computers? Will we now relax the Patriot Acts that were supposed to sunset, that have about as much to do with patriotism and security as the communist manifesto but that keep being re-authorized? We are already being told that retaliation is likely to come to America from the death of UBL. If that is the case, I want my money back for the last ten years because the War on Terror has been an obvious failure. Get ready for more control here at home, more hassles when you try to fly somewhere. And Pakistan better brace themselves, they could be next in the parade of Middle Eastern “democracies” to be built by us and paid for by our future generations. Let’s begin to pray, the whole church, to pray for revival to begin in the church and then spread like the fire of liberty; Real revival where sinners like us repent and God heals the hearts and then our land. …Revival where absolute truth once again matters. …Revival where we rejoice over truth and Jesus our king more than the announcement of the hasty killing and disposal of a mere mortal bad guy. If this happens, I believe there is hope for America; otherwise we will continue to live in a society of fear because there is always going to be another bogeyman.
…One of the issues I have with the whole thing: The president indicated he learned of Bin Laden’s location LAST YEAR yet he waited (nine months) until confirming the intel to “take action”, yet I can remember on many occasions during this almost 10 years of “war on terror” when we have bombed or attacked entire weddings, funerals, houses and shacks, killing hundreds, if not thousands of innocents (including women and children) in several countries, in order to get ONE bad guy lower down on the “score card” or the Iraqi “deck of playing cards” or not even a top tier enemy combatant.. And many times with much less intel that was hastily vetted, often immediately… sometimes to learn it was the wrong location or the wrong guy. Oh well, that’s war, right? Collateral damage? This has become open military policy. Do We the People really approve of that? I’ve been in war, so please don’t give me the typical tunnel vision of” love of country” or “doing my duty” whoopla. And before it’s brought up, I know firsthand that the troops are often put in a spot because we are fighting to survive and we are trained to not question orders. But our military oaths place defense of the constitution (summarize “truth”) from enemies “foreign and domestic” and allegiance to it above following orders, even up to the president himself. We vets need to go back and read the oath we swore again, in the order it was proclaimed before God himself, and understand what we swore to…
…But while our focus is on the feeding frenzy that is now supposed to be a corpse at the bottom of the ocean, our government continues to hurl us deeper into debt to foreign banks (to the tune of trillions) and deeper into an Orwellian controlled society in the name of security and safety. A society that is becoming increasingly intolerant of only the religion of Christianity, of doing what is right and even of spreading of the Gospel truth. This is what we will leave our children if the Lord tarries, and he just might. Will they be able to end this “war” with the “impressive” intel they have captured from UBL’s computers? Will we now relax the Patriot Acts that were supposed to sunset, that have about as much to do with patriotism and security as the communist manifesto but that keep being re-authorized? We are already being told that retaliation is likely to come to America from the death of UBL. If that is the case, I want my money back for the last ten years because the War on Terror has been an obvious failure. Get ready for more control here at home, more hassles when you try to fly somewhere. And Pakistan better brace themselves, they could be next in the parade of Middle Eastern “democracies” to be built by us and paid for by our future generations. Let’s begin to pray, the whole church, to pray for revival to begin in the church and then spread like the fire of liberty; Real revival where sinners like us repent and God heals the hearts and then our land. …Revival where absolute truth once again matters. …Revival where we rejoice over truth and Jesus our king more than the announcement of the hasty killing and disposal of a mere mortal bad guy. If this happens, I believe there is hope for America; otherwise we will continue to live in a society of fear because there is always going to be another bogeyman.