
Florida, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Real Threat of Nuclear War...

(Originally posted at
The United States has maintained a nuclear option since the inception of atomic weapons. We were of the mutually assured destruction camp that held the logic that no one in the world would destroy you if it was assured that they would in turn be destroyed. Apparently this way of thinking is old fashioned and we now have a more forward thinking bunch of leaders. We now have the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations which calls for the use of nuclear weapons as a strategic offensive capability. The "Joint" in the title apparently refers to the merging of conventional and nuclear forces more than joint services.

The plans are in place for the use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield, particularly when we attack Iran. This is real and we need to inform and be informed. Remember that radioactive material scattered by nuclear weapons, even from the depleted uranium being used in current armor piercing munitions, has a half life of over 4 billion years (basically you can't make it un-radioactive). Any use of nuclear weaponry will be a bad thing no matter where they are used. Couple those concerns with the fact that there are many countries besides the United States that posses a nuclear arsenal and would be threatened by America's use of such weapons offensively, not the least of whom are Russia and China, Irans longtime allies and suppliers. I believe that the stage is set to employ such weapons in Iran. I hope I'm wrong.

For a very detailed analysis on this topic read the article by Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research entitled Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?

Learn about nuclear weapons and nuclear war: Trinity Atomic Website

Related: Port Chicago "Disaster" - Last Wave online book and website

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