
Florida, United States

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who’s First? So Many Choices – So Few Nukes...

What are we gonna do now? Attack Iran and North Korea? You remember that according to the president, North Korea was already part of the “Axis of Evil”. Well not to be out done by the (almost) nuclear threat of Iran, North Korea claims it detonated a successful nuclear test. So are they next in the “war on terror”? I think not. Aside from nuking them ourselves, we have neither the military resources nor the national imperialistic will (nor right) to do so. Remember Iraq? We are spread far and wide militarily and Americans are justly weary.

So what does the administration do now? The stage is set (and has been for a long while) for the attack on Iran. The Eisenhower Strike Group set sail for the Persian Gulf over a week ago and are due to be on station around October 21, possibly indicating impending action. I know what some of the talking heads are doing already… downplaying the N. Korean “alleged” nuke test. It’s like in school when something exciting (distracting) happened outside the windows during a lecture and the teacher attempted to regain the attention of her students with great difficulty.

A few US news sources have tried to claim that the N. Korean test was non-nuclear while most others confirm that it was. Russia’s defense minister said the explosion was comparable to the Hiroshima blast in 1945. Most other sources confirm this including the fact that the U.S. Geological Survey site recorded a 4.2 earthquake in N. Korea around the time of the “alleged” test.

Look, we have a problem here:

  • Couple that with the fact that N. Korea is part of the “War on Terror’s” “Axis of Evil”, it is hard to justify the administrations’ public and aggressive march toward war with a country like Iran instead of N. Korea. Which country poses the more immediate threat (if either really does)? Iran, who has no nuclear bomb and lousy warhead delivery technology, or N. Korea who has threatened to destroy the planet, definitely has nuclear bombs, has tested them and who has successfully tested many missiles capable of actually delivering said nuclear bombs, even hitting American soil before.
  • As a side concern, guess who are North Korea’s big allies? China. Hmm, China seems to be an ally with everyone we have a “problem” with yet we buy a major portion of our goods from there (free trade you know), much more than we export (just turn over the mouse you’re holding, your watch, pen, calculator, phone, hundreds of parts in your cars and computers, furniture, appliances… you get the idea. Oh well. Libya, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are also N. Korea’s friends, to name a few. And although deteriorated since the “fall” of the USSR, Russia.

Perhaps that is why the administration and talking heads are playing the test down to “alleged” or being smaller than claimed. I’ve been pointing out for almost a year that an attack on Iran is definite and probably next in the view of our Neo-conservative leaders. When I wrote to my congressman about Iran, he confused “Iraq” for my concern. Those rascally Pages must have been too distracted by messages from their bosses to get my letter in the right form letter pile. Oh, back to the topic…

But there are other, more serious reasons the N. Korean threat must be down played.

MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS WRITING: My “radical” suggested solutions: True conservatives would focus on the true defense of our country, try these:

  • Close the borders, both of them, completely, build a thick wall and install a DMZ and station our armies there, all of them (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here.)
  • Defend our shores permanently with our warships, every fleet, and every ship (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here.)
  • Establish real missile defenses all around the entire country. We have exotic technologies in this area (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here… well they are protecting key government facilities… and for crying out load, find out why those at the Pentagon were turned off that one crystal clear fall day in 2001!)
  • Lastly, and this is a big one, require all citizens to be well armed and trained to use those arms proficiently. Let them carry personal weapons legally everywhere in the US, no permit required (currently only criminals can do this, with a few exceptions.) Gun totting Americans, even on commercial aircraft. Catastrophic depressurization due to a bullet is a movie myth, but a couple well armed citizens would stop any hijacker in seconds with minimal collateral damage in most cases. I guarantee a reduction in bank robberies, muggings, hijackings and especially “school shootings”, after a few foiled incidents of course. As we have seen time and time again, the police cannot and will not be everywhere! The founders intended this, research it! Look at the statistics, it’s undeniable, where more gun laws exist, crime goes up! And ask any dictator in history, gun control works! Would this be dangerous? Statistically those who are comfortable handling personal weapons, like concealed permit holders, are safer, execute better judgment and are more proficient than average law enforcement and government agents with them. Gun control is evil!
  • In order to have the ability and items in the future to maintain any of the above, require our manufacturing to move back to America or we are at the mercy of every other nation on the planet, especially China. We will continue to be required to send our military everywhere to “protect our interests” if this does not happen – one of the root problems in my opinion.

Call it isolationism if you want, study the founders and see if this is how they thought. Would this “radical” list cost too much? How much has and will endless war with every “rogue” entity (apparently anyone who is “not with us”, abroad and here) cost? I propose that implementing these suggestions would save money, and lots of it, but who am I? Would it be perfect? No, but at least we would have true defense in America again.

So I ask again, what are we gonna do now? I predict a continued push by the administration to downplay the N. Korean threat while we march onward towards the Iran “option”, as long as Kim Jong-il doesn’t keep escalating the threat too much.

Research the agendas as set forth by PNAC (Project for a New American Century) proponents currently in power. It involves complete control and regionalization of the Middle East militarily and the resources are not there to deal with both theaters simultaneously at this time… by conventional warfare anyway. The administration has authorized the use of “tactical” nuclear weapons against Iran and the Pentagon has delivered tactical nukes to our ally Israel as well.

Please pray for our nation.

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