
Florida, United States

Friday, November 03, 2006

Election Time - Get informed, spread the word

“An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.”

James Madison, Federalist No. 58, 1788

Alright, its election time and some have been asking me about this one. If you're not a Christian, understand that is my perspective (let me know because you need to know how you can become one. There is no hope without Christ Jesus.)

Let me just make some things clear up front;

  1. I will never knowingly vote for any candidate that openly supports abortion or any other sick ungodly agendas.
  2. I know my God is in control, so much so that He gave us this great country and its system of citizen control and influence over limited government (if we exercise it.)
  3. It is not wrong, unchristian, hateful or rebellious to require accountability from our government, because this is America where that is exactly how this nation came into being, by God's grace.
  4. It is not (and there is a lot of confusion on this one) good, patriotic, caring or loving to just sit through our uniquely American existence, a gift from God, silent while those that supposedly represent us continue their drunken drive of lust and power in our name (and in turn Christ's name), ruining our republic.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh… now that that’s clear…

I’m in quite a position this next Tuesday. It will be difficult for me to make some of the “choices” when I go to vote, and yes, I will vote. There are two sources of information that I use to determine who to vote for. The first is what a candidate says and the second, and by far the most important, is what they have done. It’s that dirty old “fruit inspection” theory. Well it’s biblical Christian, sorry.

Here’s the problem for us conservative Christians, there is not much of a choice and I mean that. There really is not a choice in most cases anymore. I will discuss my remedy in a moment but let me try and get you other “conservative” Christians to wake up for a second. Reality check time. And if you think Christians should just get alone and take what comes, just stop reading now. You are beyond hope. Go back to football, cookouts and vacations because life is a bed of roses, really. The rest of us, come on:

Correct me with real facts if I’m wrong but here are the facts as I see them. The first issue that should be a block for any Christian voting for someone is the American holocaust of abortion. Call it what it is, if you are really “pro-life”, it is a holocaust. You have no reason to talk about how bad Hitler was if you can’t admit this. And standing on a sidewalk one hour a year holding a sign and nothing else is not being “active” (it’s better than nothing I guess.) If a candidate is not going to make abolishing baby killing a priority, in my opinion, they should not even be running as a conservative Christian. And if we can’t get the abortion issue taken care of, no other issue matters, really. It’s about as cut and dry an issue as you can have.

Well then we should vote for the GOP (Republicans) then right? “They’ll do something about abortion.” How long can you repeat a lie before you begin to believe it? Check these facts out and rethink your reality, and your voting strategy:

The Facts:

It was a Republican dominated U.S. Supreme Court that legalized abortion on demand in 1973 by deciding both Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Republicans authorized the killing of over 45 million unborn babies and there is no other way to spin that. Since then Republican dominated Courts have reaffirmed abortion-on-demand time and time again, to include the current Court. Just a few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court, without comment or dissent, rejected a request from Sandra Cano to reconsider the Doe v. Bolton case (She was the woman who was used as the plaintiff in the case) that created a 'health' exception for abortions. This case, with Roe v. Wade made abortion-on-demand completely legal in almost any stage of pregnancy! Currently “Republican” picked judges makeup the majority on this Court by a 7-2 margin. This does not constitute the “Party of Life” to me.

Democrats may say they are pro-abortion but Republican Party members have actually given it to us. Spin it if you want, but that is the fact.

Here’s another fact to consider:

· When “Christian” Republican George W. Bush became president in 2001, a staggering 4,000 unborn babies were being aborted daily! See how evil Clinton was (I know, I know, he was. But…)

· Six years later during which we have had a Republican controlled House, Senate, White House and Supreme Court (basically the entire federal government has been Republican controlled… for six years), there are now a paltry 4,000 unborn babies being aborted daily! See how good our Republican leaders are?

Nothing has changed Christian! For six years, pro-life Christians have been fed a bunch of rhetoric to support the “lesser of two evils” lie! That is a controlling, deceptive and satanic lie.

“But what about the “partial-birth abortion ban” that Bush signed? He’s doing something to end abortion, right?” Wrong!!! You think this confirms his Christian stance? That bill has not saved a single unborn child. All it did was legitimize all the other types of abortion. Here are the facts:

· 99% of all abortions are outside that ban! What a joke.

· That bill prompts mothers considering abortion to do so earlier in the pregnancy than they may have before, leaving less time for them to consider not doing it.

If anything, the partial-birth abortion bill has helped speed-up abortions.

But Christians buy the lie that something has been done by our good “Christian” Republican leaders.

The only representative who has put his money where his mouth is would be Representative Ron Paul of Texas who introduced H.R. 776, The Sanctity of Life Act of 2005, a bill "to provide that human life shall be deemed to exist from conception," How many supporters did he have in the House? Five! And total silence from the White House. Why did his bill not get support from the GOP or the president? Because there is no difference in the GOP and the Democrats. When will Christians realize this? God’s people truly do perish due to a lack of knowledge. You may as well call them Republicrats and Demopublicans. It is like belief in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, it was cute when you were young but it’s pathetic as an adult.

The national GOP has supported numerous pro-choice Republicans running against pro-life Republicans in primary races throughout the country. That happens all the time and is sick.

· “Christian” President George W. Bush also gave his support recently to the “Plan B” over the counter abortion pill pushing the FDA to approve it. Has he lost his mind or just his morals or does he know exactly what he is doing? That drug will grow the unknown number of unborn baby deaths to new highs.

· Bush has stated on the record that he thinks that America is not ready for a total abortion ban. He doesn’t speak for me.

· Bush supported and increased funding for Planned Parenthood.

· Bush appointed pro-abortion Judge Alito (based on Alito’s votes in 3 of 4 cases.)

· Bush has appointed pro-choice proponents like Secretary Rice and Attorney General Gonzalez to positions in his administration.

· Bush supported pro-abortion Specter’s re-election.

· Bush also publicly opposed the pro-life bill in South Dakota that outlawed all abortions with the sole exception of saving the life of the mother. So Bush has not only done nothing to end abortion, he has actually done much to assist it.

· Laura Bush has even stated for the record that both she and the President support Roe v. Wade.

Show me how the “most Christian” Republican President is “pro-life” in light of the facts.

Show me how the GOP is “pro-life” in light of the facts.

Pat Buchanan was right when he said that the two major parties are “two wings of the same bird of prey." Christians and especially leaders must begin to acknowledge that the two party system is worse than broken and start speaking out in support of truly conservative, true constitutionalists.

The pathetic “lesser of two evils” mantra is a control mechanism and the Church best break out of it before it is too late. The choice between Socialist Democrat and Fascist Republican is unacceptable and Christians should realize that through Christ more than that is possible and expected, and begin to demand it.

So basically, if we can’t get the baby killing issue straight with “conservative Christian” Republican control of the entire government, there is no need to go into any other issue for this discussion. Our founding fathers could not have fathomed that killing unborn children would be protected by American law. There is no difference but talk between to two major parties friend. It’s like claiming to wage a “War on Terror” without closing the borders, boy that would make no sense at all, would it?

“Among the numerous advantages promised by a well-constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction.”

James Madison, Federalist No. 10, November 23, 178

What am I gonna do?

So what am I doing this election, personally? I will go and vote for a few individuals that I determine I can in good conscious (this might only be a few judges, I’m still trying to determine who they are.) I will not participate in the ungodly process of “lesser of two evils” straight ticket, “hold your nose and vote”, faith-based hogwash that retail Christianity now operates under. It is not biblical and we have to end it. Would you vote for Nero and Caligula? I hope you would vote for neither. (You might want to look that up, of course they didn’t give the “right” of voting)

“A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.”

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1792

A Real Solution

I really think it’s to late this election to do the right thing. We will have the same result in two years because there are too few constitutionalists running. There I said it. The right thing is for Christians to remove themselves as a supportive group to the GOP that has lied, used, abused and abandoned them for a long time, over and over. Guys, it is a hoax, a gimmick that even our respected Christian leaders and pastors still believe and promote. To keep following the GOP now would be like a battered wife to keep taking abuse from a piece of trash scum husband under the delusion that he cares for her and her wellbeing. The church is supposed to be the bride of Christ why would she live like anything less? If the church continues to participate with the “lesser of two evils” mantra, our country truly is doomed.

So, I think the only choice is to vote for those you can honestly say you have looked into and you really believe they might support real abolishment of abortion and then apply the pressure for real legislation to do that this next term. That means writing letters, making phone calls and informing others to pressure representatives to actually do this, between elections. Instead of believing the cute sounding “If you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain”, start saying “If you aren’t active in holding your public servants accountable between elections, you are wasting your vote!”

But more importantly, and what I think the only solution is, start now to look ahead to 2008 and beyond. If all Christians would refuse to support either corrupt major party and begin raising their own politicians up, they could elect real Christians and maybe we could actually accomplish something. Oh, that’s right; churches can’t officially be political can they? After all, we wouldn’t want that tax exempt status yanked would we? The church has been effectively neutered by that one control mechanism. Oh, we are so controlled. If you really believe as children of God that we should not live in bondage, wake up and start looking around. Some believe that not voting a straight Republican ticket is actually a sin. I say that not participating in holding your government accountable daily in America is the real sin.

Get informed, get involved or we will be leaving a disgusting country to our children and grandchildren. That is a sin. Yes go vote, but understand what it is going take to see real change, unless you’ve already given up.

In Christ, Troy

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

John Adams, letter to H. Niles, February 13, 1818

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.”

George Washington, Circular to the States, May 9, 1753

"Not everyone who keeps saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will get into the kingdom of heaven, but only the person who keeps doing the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name, drove out demons in your name, and performed many miracles in your name, didn't we?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers!'"
(Matthew 7:21-23)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who’s First? So Many Choices – So Few Nukes...

What are we gonna do now? Attack Iran and North Korea? You remember that according to the president, North Korea was already part of the “Axis of Evil”. Well not to be out done by the (almost) nuclear threat of Iran, North Korea claims it detonated a successful nuclear test. So are they next in the “war on terror”? I think not. Aside from nuking them ourselves, we have neither the military resources nor the national imperialistic will (nor right) to do so. Remember Iraq? We are spread far and wide militarily and Americans are justly weary.

So what does the administration do now? The stage is set (and has been for a long while) for the attack on Iran. The Eisenhower Strike Group set sail for the Persian Gulf over a week ago and are due to be on station around October 21, possibly indicating impending action. I know what some of the talking heads are doing already… downplaying the N. Korean “alleged” nuke test. It’s like in school when something exciting (distracting) happened outside the windows during a lecture and the teacher attempted to regain the attention of her students with great difficulty.

A few US news sources have tried to claim that the N. Korean test was non-nuclear while most others confirm that it was. Russia’s defense minister said the explosion was comparable to the Hiroshima blast in 1945. Most other sources confirm this including the fact that the U.S. Geological Survey site recorded a 4.2 earthquake in N. Korea around the time of the “alleged” test.

Look, we have a problem here:

  • Couple that with the fact that N. Korea is part of the “War on Terror’s” “Axis of Evil”, it is hard to justify the administrations’ public and aggressive march toward war with a country like Iran instead of N. Korea. Which country poses the more immediate threat (if either really does)? Iran, who has no nuclear bomb and lousy warhead delivery technology, or N. Korea who has threatened to destroy the planet, definitely has nuclear bombs, has tested them and who has successfully tested many missiles capable of actually delivering said nuclear bombs, even hitting American soil before.
  • As a side concern, guess who are North Korea’s big allies? China. Hmm, China seems to be an ally with everyone we have a “problem” with yet we buy a major portion of our goods from there (free trade you know), much more than we export (just turn over the mouse you’re holding, your watch, pen, calculator, phone, hundreds of parts in your cars and computers, furniture, appliances… you get the idea. Oh well. Libya, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are also N. Korea’s friends, to name a few. And although deteriorated since the “fall” of the USSR, Russia.

Perhaps that is why the administration and talking heads are playing the test down to “alleged” or being smaller than claimed. I’ve been pointing out for almost a year that an attack on Iran is definite and probably next in the view of our Neo-conservative leaders. When I wrote to my congressman about Iran, he confused “Iraq” for my concern. Those rascally Pages must have been too distracted by messages from their bosses to get my letter in the right form letter pile. Oh, back to the topic…

But there are other, more serious reasons the N. Korean threat must be down played.

MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS WRITING: My “radical” suggested solutions: True conservatives would focus on the true defense of our country, try these:

  • Close the borders, both of them, completely, build a thick wall and install a DMZ and station our armies there, all of them (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here.)
  • Defend our shores permanently with our warships, every fleet, and every ship (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here.)
  • Establish real missile defenses all around the entire country. We have exotic technologies in this area (we have a bunch, but they are everywhere but here… well they are protecting key government facilities… and for crying out load, find out why those at the Pentagon were turned off that one crystal clear fall day in 2001!)
  • Lastly, and this is a big one, require all citizens to be well armed and trained to use those arms proficiently. Let them carry personal weapons legally everywhere in the US, no permit required (currently only criminals can do this, with a few exceptions.) Gun totting Americans, even on commercial aircraft. Catastrophic depressurization due to a bullet is a movie myth, but a couple well armed citizens would stop any hijacker in seconds with minimal collateral damage in most cases. I guarantee a reduction in bank robberies, muggings, hijackings and especially “school shootings”, after a few foiled incidents of course. As we have seen time and time again, the police cannot and will not be everywhere! The founders intended this, research it! Look at the statistics, it’s undeniable, where more gun laws exist, crime goes up! And ask any dictator in history, gun control works! Would this be dangerous? Statistically those who are comfortable handling personal weapons, like concealed permit holders, are safer, execute better judgment and are more proficient than average law enforcement and government agents with them. Gun control is evil!
  • In order to have the ability and items in the future to maintain any of the above, require our manufacturing to move back to America or we are at the mercy of every other nation on the planet, especially China. We will continue to be required to send our military everywhere to “protect our interests” if this does not happen – one of the root problems in my opinion.

Call it isolationism if you want, study the founders and see if this is how they thought. Would this “radical” list cost too much? How much has and will endless war with every “rogue” entity (apparently anyone who is “not with us”, abroad and here) cost? I propose that implementing these suggestions would save money, and lots of it, but who am I? Would it be perfect? No, but at least we would have true defense in America again.

So I ask again, what are we gonna do now? I predict a continued push by the administration to downplay the N. Korean threat while we march onward towards the Iran “option”, as long as Kim Jong-il doesn’t keep escalating the threat too much.

Research the agendas as set forth by PNAC (Project for a New American Century) proponents currently in power. It involves complete control and regionalization of the Middle East militarily and the resources are not there to deal with both theaters simultaneously at this time… by conventional warfare anyway. The administration has authorized the use of “tactical” nuclear weapons against Iran and the Pentagon has delivered tactical nukes to our ally Israel as well.

Please pray for our nation.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The "Lesser of evils"... still evil - rant on the Foley "scandal"

Be warned, if you just want to read happy thoughts, don’t continue. Hard cold truth follows. But this dialogue needs to happen.

Boy was I getting sick at lunchtime and it wasn’t due the sandwich I was eating either. Listening to talk radio is a good way to get a pulse of what each party (either one) is trying to push to their adherents. Today it was a good 15 minutes (at least) of how liberal Democrats are going after Republican Representative Mark Foley, who resigned last week due to a teen-page sex chat “scandal”, for political reasons of course. Whether that is the only reason or not does not matter. Pedophilia and sexual perversion is horrific and worthy of life in prison (or more) in my opinion. But the attitude on this show was “yea, it’s bad to do that kind of thing, but hey, what really matters is that Democrats don’t really care, it’s because he’s a Republican that they are digging this all up” or something of the sort.

What about the teenagers involved? I don’t care about the circumstances of how he was caught. Every individual in power or positions of authority merits scrutiny based on mankind’s track record of perversion. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. What about the rest of what we think of as “Christians” in power?

The thing that was not mentioned once today was that it was not only liberals in Congress that knew this was going on for some time, but so did the GOP (according to AP). That’s right, our good “Christian” leaders were looking the other way, having knowledge of such horrendous actions by a top “conservative”. Yea that’s real Christian guys. Man, am I getting sick of these puke-bag elites! But hey, we have to vote for the “lesser of the two evils” right?

I’ll tell you what probably happened, Foley was probably told (after being caught originally by his own party) “just don’t get caught, again” (After all, the rest of them/us would become suspect… you would think.) And now it got out “because it’s campaign season”? Give me a break! But enough speculation…

The false “left vs. right” garbage and the disgusting nature of this crime were not the only things making me sick listening to this glossy diatribe by this prominent conservative mouthpiece (whom I used to respect greatly). What really made me nauseous about the host’s politicizing this evil creature’s actions being revealed is that there is no urgent outcry by the public (aside from pundits), especially the real Christian leadership for immediate full investigations of every congress person’s public email, internet chat, browser archives, phone and mobile records, etc… Maybe it’s secret in the name of “National Security”, that is the going excuse for everything else. But the only place it is getting mentioned is by political shills on both sides because it is election time.

I have a rude awaking for some of you. Sexual perversion, pedophilia and other bizarre and disgusting activities is not a new “problem” with many of our elites on both “sides”. It is often a control feature in the world of power.

I am linking to a video that I came across more than a year ago. Conspiracy of Silence (and no it has nothing to do with 9-11 or a Kennedy, not directly anyhow) was a documentary that was to play on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994 (according to TV Guide) but never did air. A work print version was leaked around about 2003 (best I can tell) and is still viewable on the internet ( and other places). It is very disturbing but you know what? The truth is the truth and we have ignored or denied too much of it for too long. It’s time believers get our hands dirty before it’s to late.

My study shows that this has been going on throughout history, to include US history, by the world’s elites. Instead of the doors of power locking down tighter in the name of “national security”, we the people need to demand the full opening of them. But there would be more than campaign resistance if the light of truth was to truly shine into the halls of our Washington masters.

Rest assured that by the time something like the Foley “scandal” becomes a scandal, many rats have scattered into shadow and the only one left to be held accountable is the appointed sacrificial lamb, for the greater good… for “democracy”.

I vote for a reality TV channel for each Congress person, the President, and heck… why not every federal employee with a job above cabinet level or above. Let camera crews follow them every second of their pampered lives as a public servant. 24/7. If there is even a second of technical difficulty and the cameras go down, two more are assigned to be with them. That might put a damper on their ability to perform though, I know. Back to reality…

I encourage each of you to realize your position in Christ Jesus as more than a conqueror (if you are a Christian), light bearers and speak the truth in love. Get informed and inform others for this is what has happened to the once great “Christian” republic of America. Too many of God’s people have sat by and elected the “lesser of two evils” for much too long.

Watch the 50+ minute documentary here: Conspiracy of Silence - US Politicians Pedophile Ring

You can also Google: bohemian grove child sex

Bohemian Grove is a “summer camp” for our Republican and Democratic elite leaders.

For corroborating information on this type thing …

Flamed Out GOP Star Arrested For Child Sex AssaultColorado Confidential

Ex-Homeland Security Press Aide Reaches Plea Deal for Sex Charges - No Contest – FoxNews

And - Homeland official suspended in sex case – USA Today

State department child sex slave (Scroll down to article: A State Department reliable source has old us that the State Department exported a procedure by which child sex slaves could be used to blackmail foreign diplomats.)

Video: Congressman 'tolerated' forced abortions, sex slavery RAW STORY | October 1 2006

For you who want to really ponder how far this may go (The same rabbit hole as in “Conspiracy of Silence”): - Washington Times article that has been buried extremely well.

MEXICO: Ties Between Elites and Child Sex Rings "Beyond Imagination"

Has Johnny Gosch Been Found?

and just google gannon gosch

Thursday, September 28, 2006

IMPORTANT... Jesus Christ on trial... you can pray, just not in His name.

I wrote to the President back on December 21, 2005 concerning Navy Chaplain Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt's ordeal. Here is the text of that letter in case you haven't read it: on 12-21-2005...

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your continued service as the President of the United States.

I am writing to encourage you to intervene on behalf of Lieutenant Gordon Klingenschmitt, US Navy Chaplain. I became aware of his situation through reports on CBN news. He has been told by the Navy that he can not use the name of Jesus Christ in his prayers as a chaplain. I did not get to sign a 160,000 name petition asking for an executive order that would allow military chaplains to pray according to their faith that has been delivered to the White House, but consider my signature on it. When I was a member of the military, prayer from my chaplain was always prayed in the name of Jesus Christ. I know you, as an evangelical Christian yourself, would agree that the only true power in prayer is because of the authority of our savior, Jesus Christ. A prayer invoking any other authority, or no specific authority, would not constitute an appeal to the true God of the universe. For an American to be denied this simply foundational right, being in the military or not, chaplain or not, constitutes severe religious erosion. As Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces, you are in a position to at least slow the decline of our morality and religious freedom in this situation. Please act to restrain our Government, the Department of Defense and the Armed Forces from this type of religious suppression in our military as it is the basis of essential liberty in America.

Of course I eventually received back a form letter from the White House about how "faith" is so important to the President, bla bla bla. Faith in what?!

I just thought you need to know where Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt's case is, that would be in the court martial phase (click to read), and how much the President has done (despite160,000+ concerned requests to him) to act, being that he is such a good fellow "Christian" and all.

…Oh, by the way, notice who IS standing up for the good Chaplain, former Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore. Remember who he is? Remember how much the president did to help protect the constitutional actions of this fellow "believer"? Click here to read all about it.

More importantly read here about how the President rewarded the prosecutor of Moore's case (Moore was removed for refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building) by appointing Bill Pryor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th District.

Judge Moore ,Chaplain Klingenschmitt, and the President will all have their rewards one day. God will judge the just and the unjust, the faithful and the unfaithful, and those who stood up for Him and those who didn't.

Pray for these two fellow brothers and pray for our military men and women who basically now may have to disobey "policy" and direct orders to pray in Jesus' name (something that I am convinced saved my life on more than a few airborne operations.) If a Chaplain can be tried for praying in the name of Jesus Christ, where does that leave the rest of the military?

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." (Act 5:29)

Also see:
Watch VIDEO - Chaplain's story on Dr. D. James Kennedy

Navy planned to fire chaplain eight days BEFORE he appeared at White House - Wash Times

Chaplain "guilty" of disobedience, by wearing uniform to pray in Jesus name - AP

"Save the Chaplains" at

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Terror, Toilets, and Freedom

If the implications weren’t so serious this would be humorous…

Let me point out a few highlights from the below forum post by the guy who was the unwitting cause of the terror scare on an airliner in Canada a couple weeks ago. The guy basically dropped his I-Pod (music player) in the airplane toilet (that could get expensive). He didn’t even know he did at first but then explained to the flight attendants that he thought he might have dropped it. That set off a long drawn-out ordeal that I suspect is going to become more and more common, unfortunately.

I understand being cautious but basically over reaction is becoming common place, like I thought it would. The more disturbing point is, as you will read in this guy’s account, the “authorities” were arrogant while basically “fishing“ for an incrimination. Now this was in Canada but do not think for a second this would go down any different when it happens in the US.

At one point he is asked

“What do you think about 9/11? What are your views on the Iran issue? Do you think government is too big, too powerful? Would you ever "make a point?"

…Well those questions implicate much of America. Where was this all meant to go?

Then he says…

“He asked me if I knew how to make a bomb. "I have a degree in physics, and I'm not an idiot." Of course I knew how to make a bomb -- what kind of question is that?? The better question is, WOULD I make a bomb? The answer is no.

They tried to trap me with some of their questions. I noticed they would try to get me to contradict myself. Like, I had earlier mentioned that I had never met Cara in real life, so they would later nonchalantly ask me when I had last seen Cara. Stuff like that.

He told me there was a similar bomb scare in LA today. He asked me if I was connected with it. He asked me if I was connected to the "liquid" thing from Britain.”

Like I said this may have taken place in Canada but I can tell you it would go down much the same in the US. There is a mindset of fear in place and misguided authority figures are reacting dangerously to it. This is to be expected considering the atmosphere that has been created.

Help me fight the fear. Get educated and let others know that because of the agenda of a few, the masses are living in ridiculous bondage. I for one choose not to participate.


From forum WoW post:

This ... is going to be a long one. And believe it or not, it's a 100% true story. Its relation to World of Warcraft will not be immediately apparent. Anyway, the gist of what happened is here:

It all started when I got out of my seat to go to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and returned to my seat. A little while later the two stewardesses on the flight crossed each other in the aisle. They had a quick conversation that I was in earshot of.

"I locked off the front lav. There's something in the toilet that's preventing it from flushing. Run some water and see if you can clear it." My face immediately turned red. The seat cover! I thought. It must have been too big to flush! I should have thrown it out!

I was so embarrassed. I tried to act normal ... I took a sudden interest in the contents of the seat pocket in front of me, acted nonchalant and all. I watched as the stewardess got on her hands and knees in the lavatory and did unfathomable dirty work.

Sometime later, I decided it would be best if I forgot the whole thing happened, so I went to put on my headphones and drown myself in iPod music. But ... no iPod. I panicked, checked my other pockets. Where was it? Not under the seat, not in the pockets, not ... anywhere. I looked up to the stewardesses. One of them had run past me in a decent clip. She was carrying a green handbook. She brought it to the other stewardess. They flipped through the handbook, read a page, then made a call. The other stewardess had retrieved a blue metal box and was removing some equipment from it.

I put two and two together. I knew what had happened.

So I walked up to the stewardesses, both clamoring over the handbook, and tapped one on the shoulder.

"So, I had an iPod before I went to the bathroom, and now I don't. I think I know what's in the toilet."

We had a quick conversation. I told them, "You don't have to call the TSA or anything, it's just my iPod." They said, "Oh, but we already did."

So now I'm starting to realize that this is turning into a big problem. They offer their condolences, tell me that it's unfortunate, and I take a seat. Okay. So far, not so bad. I return to my seat and spend the rest of the flight trying to act normal.

That is, right up until the pilot comes over the intercom.

"Folks, this is the captain. I don't want to alarm you, but we've found a suspicious device in the front lavatory. Now, we think it's probably nothing, but in this day and age ... you can never be too careful. We'll be landing at Ottawa, where we will await further instructions."

The cabin erupted with commotion. At that very moment, my face fell into my hands. What have I done?

We landed at Ottawa, and we were taxiing to the gate. Without warning, the airplane then lurched to a sudden halt.

"Folks, this is the captain. We've been ordered to make an immediate stop. Buses are coming to evacuate the aircraft." We were to leave all of our belongings on the aircraft; we would be shuttled by bus to the terminal, where we would receive our carryon items.

My face fell deeper into my hands. Next came the waiting. Waiting and listening to more worry and commotion. A lot of us wondered if we could bring cell phones, wallets, passports, or customs forms with us. The stewardesses didn't have any answers; they had never been through this before.

On the one hand, if I brought a cell phone, wallet, etc. etc., and they confiscated it, I would have to hunt and peck for it separately from my carryon luggage. But if I stuck all of that stuff in my carryon luggage, I would only have to find one bag when we clamored for our stuff in the future. I decided the smart thing to do was to stick everything in my carryon. But, I kept my wallet, because I knew I was in big trouble at this point.

It took them 45 minutes to round up not just a bus and air-stairs, but an army of police and customs vehicles. One of the stewardesses took me aside and whispered to me. "Get off the plane last, and talk to the constable."

So I did. I exited the plane last, and spoke to the Ottawa police officer waiting at the air-stairs. I told him that the device was my iPod, and he took down my license number.

I continued to the bus. After a brief wait, it did NOT take us to the terminal. It took us to some industrial facility, where they housed utility vehicles. There, in the open garage, we were instructed to sit and wait. And wait we did ... another 30 minutes or so.

This was possibly the worst part ... While we were waiting I got to overhear the passengers talking about me. Well, they didn't know it was me, but they knew someone had dropped an iPod in the toilet, and they made aaallll sorts of assumptions about this person.

"Why didn't he have it on a clip? He could have clipped it to his damn pants." Or, "Why didn't he tell the stewardesses? Why is he hiding it from them and making us go through this?"

I could have corrected them. I could have told them that it WAS on a clip and I DID tell the stewardesses. In fact, it was a lot of self-restraint to just keep my mouth shut and not make things worse.

By this time the sense of guilt had left me. This wasn't my fault. Anyone could have dropped his stupid iPod in the toilet. It's really the government here. I mean, at this point the building contained six customs officials, an army of policemen, people from various security agencies, a bomb squad, and a couple of detectives. No one was doing anything. No one was taking charge. *I* didn't create this mess.

The whole time, the officers were watching me. They had told me to keep in sight of them at all times.

Finally, five or six customs officers set up a table and made an announcement. "We will be interviewing each of you one by one. Please form a line. Before we have our chat, make sure you have your ID, passport, and customs information with you."

One person asked, "What if that stuff is still on the plane?" The customs official responded, "Then we will have a more formal chat."

I got in line with the rest of the people, but shortly thereafter two police officers took me out of line. "Come with us."

They took me to a discreet corner. They brought out a tape recorder. I was told to put my hands up on the wall and spread my legs, and I was frisked from head to toe. They removed my wallet, disassembled it completely, and placed each of its contents in its own plastic evidence bag.

"Now Tim, for the sake of the tape recorder, I want you to state your full name and address." I did. "Now, each of us will state our name and position into the tape recorder." There were two detectives from the police department, a detective from Customs, and two members of the bomb squad.

Then started the questions. They were easy at first. They asked me where I lived. What do I do for a living? Why am I unemployed? How come it's taken me 4 months to find a job?

They asked me why I was visiting Canada. I was to visit a friend I met on World of Warcraft, Cara. They took down her name and what I could remember of her address. They asked me how we met.

"In an online game."
"What online game?"
"Umm ... World of Warcraft," I responded meekly.
"What kind of game is this?"
"It's a fantasy game ... it takes place online."
"Fantasy ... like it's got wizards and warlocks?"
"Well, it's got warlocks." (And they need to be nerfed.)

They asked me to describe my relation to Cara. I told them that people meet up in the game and go on adventures together, and that Cara and I were in a guild together that I was the leader of. They confused the concept of a guild with the game, however, and I had them believing that I was the Lord and Leader of all of WoW until I was able to correct them, and explain to them what a guild was.

So, when they put the pieces together; namely, that I was visiting a female person that I had met over a computer game, their next line of questioning went down an obvious path.

"So you and Cara are friends?"
"How long have you known her?"
"About 5 months I think? Maybe less."
"Do you have a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"Do you want a romantic relationship with Cara?"
"OK, so ... if you and Cara were drunk together, and she turned to you and said, 'Tim, let's go--'"

I interrupted him. "Excuse me ... what's the point of these questions?" The detective hardened. "Let me make things clear. I ask questions. You answer them. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes." I paused. "I just don't see how this is relevant."

He spoke right in my face. "I've got 5 good men going into that airplane right now. Five of my best bomb squad guys. If there is any reason that I should be concerned for their life, then I need to know now. So just answer the questions, and do as I say."

Now the questions became really pointed. What do you think about 9/11? What are your views on the Iran issue? Do you think government is too big, too powerful? Would you ever "make a point?"

He asked me if I knew how to make a bomb. "I have a degree in physics, and I'm not an idiot." Of course I knew how to make a bomb -- what kind of question is that?? The better question is, WOULD I make a bomb? The answer is no.

They tried to trap me with some of their questions. I noticed they would try to get me to contradict myself. Like, I had earlier mentioned that I had never met Cara in real life, so they would later nonchalantly ask me when I had last seen Cara. Stuff like that.

He told me there was a similar bomb scare in LA today. He asked me if I was connected with it. He asked me if I was connected to the "liquid" thing from Britain.

Finally, he was done. He and the two bomb squad guys left. The customs lady followed up with more prying personal questions. She asked me more about Cara, how I got to know her, how we interact, etc.

The interviewers would periodically withdraw to talk about me in French, then return with followup questions. I was picked apart by these questions. They wanted to know how I could pay for my ticket, being unemployed, and what my motivations for visiting Cara were. They had me on the defensive the whole time.

She had finished her interview and I was then returned to the garage where they were questioning everyone else on the plane, one by one. I waited for another hour or so as the bomb squad did their thing (I assume). Eventually, they loaded everyone up on the bus to take them to retrieve their stuff. Except me -- I and two others were to be inspected by Customs.

They took my photo, asked me to wait in the cold for 30 minutes, and then escorted me to a red van. Along the way I passed the detective who had first interviewed me. He was carrying a green paper bag. He called me over.

"I just got it back from the bomb squad. It's an iPod. Do you want it back?"
"It's been in the toilet."
"Yeah, it's messy." Then he walked right up to my ear. "Tim, you're not in any trouble anymore. Nothing you say now is going to be on record. I want you to answer a question honestly, just for me, not for my agency."
He whispered into my ear. "Did you ... did you take a dump, and then drop your iPod in the toilet on accident?"

"No!" I yelled a little too loudly. "Like I said ... I didn't notice it was missing until after!"

"OK, OK. I believe you. You did great, Tim."

I got my wallet back and was escorted by police to the van. I waited some more on this van, and finally it took me to a harmless immigration office. I waited some more there, the whole time being watched and followed by police officers. Finally, they escorted me to the baggage claim to fetch my stuff, and took me to a very private room with some bomb-screening equipment and tinted mirrors for windows.

It was me and a gruff, humorless customs official. He unpacked my luggage entirely, ran the contents of my wallet through a bomb sweep, and carefully examined all of my belongings. He then asked me to turn on my laptop. I did, and he began using it. I saw him open Spotlight and begin searching.

"Do you connect to the Internet on this laptop?"
"Have you downloaded and images?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Do you have any pornography?"

I waited in total silence for about 10 minutes as he kept searching and searching, until I finally asked him, "What are you looking for?"

"Contraband," he said without looking up at me.
"Such as?"
"Child pornography, hate propaganda."
"Child porn I can understand, that's illegal. But hate propaganda is protected speech."
Now he looked up. "What country do you think you're in?"
"Oh, it's illegal in Canada?"
"I honestly don't know. But that doesn't matter. I get to decide what goes in this country. Do you have a problem with that?"
I paused for a long time while I thought about what I should say to this. "Yes."
"Yes, you do have a problem?"
"Yes, I do. If it's illegal in Canada I'll understand, but saying 'I don't want it in my country' isn't good enough when you're a government official."

Now he was pissed. "Don't fool around with me. I'm sure you want this to end as much as I do. So I will ask you questions, and you will answer. Do you understand?"

Another long pause while I thought. "Yes, I do."

He continued his exhaustive audit of my computer's contents, then returned it to me. We waited for a Customs escort, who showed me out of the room and back to the terminal. There they left me without saying a word, and I was free to go.

I found Cara and Andy, and my vacation in Canada began.

(The first three people that post "TLDR" get negative haikus written about their character names.)

***Today's posts are highlights of previous blogs I've posted elsewhere***

Just to get things rolling here...

A Christian Manifsto: America's moral decline by the late Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, 1982 sermon

Click to read the whole sermon here
Remember this was a 1982 sermon but boy does it ring relevant 2006. Please take some time when you guys have it to read or get the audio and listen to the entire sermon.

Excerpts from Francis Schaeffer:
.."We have forgotten our heritage. A lot of the evangelical complex like to talk about the old revivals and they tell us we ought to have another revival. We need another revival -- you and I need revival. We need another revival in our hearts. But they have forgotten something. Most of the Christians have forgotten and most of the pastors have forgotten something. That is the factor that every single revival that has ever been a real revival, whether it was the great awakening before the American Revolution; whether it was the great revivals of Scandinavia; whether it was Wesley and Whitefield; wherever you have found a great revival, it's always had three parts. First, it has called for the individual to accept Christ as Savior, and thankfully, in all of these that I have named, thousands have been saved. Then, it has called upon the Christians to bow their hearts to God and really let the Holy Spirit have His place in fullness in their life. But there has always been, in every revival, a third element. It has always brought SOCIAL CHANGE!"...

..."We must absolutely set out to smash the lie of the new and novel concept of the separation of religion from the state which most people now hold and which Christians have just bought a bill of goods. This is new and this is novel. It has no relationship to the meaning of the First Amendment. The First Amendment was that the state would never interfere with religion. THAT'S ALL THE MEANING THERE WAS TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Just read Madison and the Spectator Papers if you don't think so. That's all it was!"...

..Throughout the whole history of the Christian Church, (and again I wish people knew their history. In A Christian Manifesto I stress what happened in the Reformation in reference to all this) at a certain point, it is not only the privilege but it is the duty of the Christian to disobey the government. Now that's what the founding fathers did when they founded this country. That's what the early Church did. That's what Peter said. You heard it from the Scripture: "Should we obey man?... rather than God?" That's what the early Christians did....

Please read the entire sermon . You may still be able to get it from Focus on the Family as well, that's where I first heard and ordered it.

Keep your eyes on Jesus,

The Real Threat of Nuclear War...

(Originally posted at
The United States has maintained a nuclear option since the inception of atomic weapons. We were of the mutually assured destruction camp that held the logic that no one in the world would destroy you if it was assured that they would in turn be destroyed. Apparently this way of thinking is old fashioned and we now have a more forward thinking bunch of leaders. We now have the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations which calls for the use of nuclear weapons as a strategic offensive capability. The "Joint" in the title apparently refers to the merging of conventional and nuclear forces more than joint services.

The plans are in place for the use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield, particularly when we attack Iran. This is real and we need to inform and be informed. Remember that radioactive material scattered by nuclear weapons, even from the depleted uranium being used in current armor piercing munitions, has a half life of over 4 billion years (basically you can't make it un-radioactive). Any use of nuclear weaponry will be a bad thing no matter where they are used. Couple those concerns with the fact that there are many countries besides the United States that posses a nuclear arsenal and would be threatened by America's use of such weapons offensively, not the least of whom are Russia and China, Irans longtime allies and suppliers. I believe that the stage is set to employ such weapons in Iran. I hope I'm wrong.

For a very detailed analysis on this topic read the article by Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research entitled Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?

Learn about nuclear weapons and nuclear war: Trinity Atomic Website

Related: Port Chicago "Disaster" - Last Wave online book and website

9/11 Liberal/Conservative nut cases

I must confess, as most who know me can attest, I am no liberal. By far, I am completely the opposite. I am as conservative as anyone that I know. I am a literal Bible believing conservative Christian, patriotic (combat) veteran, pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-small government, pro-(true) free market, pro-home school you get the point. My views have not changed. These major talk show hosts that are fair and balanced and conservative blindly defend the most non-conservative, "conservative" administration that I have ever seen. What has happened?

Alright, I was listening to the Rush show on the way to lunch as I sometimes do and a guest host was at the microphone named Mark Belling. Part of his opening segment was a rant about Kevin Barrett, the UW-Madison professor (or lecturer) that has stated he believes the US government, or at least some within it, carried out the 9/11 attacks that brought down the Twin Towers

Mr. Belling took the unyielding position throughout his dialogue that not only is Mr. Barrett a left-wing nut case, but anyone that questions the official story of 9/11 must be a left-wing crackpot. This seems to be the way that conservative thought is being controlled.

This is the typical handling of the 9/11 issue by most big conservative talk show hosts lately. Shawn Hannity will usually immediately spew loud, repetitive statements about how we can not speak of 9/11 facts out of concern for the victim families. He usually does that while talking over someone making a point or stating a fact for discussion. He doesnt want listeners or watchers to hear the person. What are these people afraid of?

All those who question the official theory do not believe the same thing either. There are so many problems with the official story that it is hard for anyone to truly have a grasp on what really took place, let alone what to believe about it. Talk shows generally deal in tiny sound bites in case you havent noticed, and 9/11 is a behemoth of an issue comprising of cumbersome amounts of public data that has gone almost entirely unreported in television and radio talk.

Even a cursory, yet honest look at the events before, during and after September 11, 2001 by anyone, regardless of political persuasion, causes one to question what we have been told and led to believe about the most pivotal event of our lifetimes (just try it, you wont self-destruct or instantly change party affiliation.) Most conservatives, like everyone, have been slow to realize that things, hundreds or even thousands of bits of information, do not add up.

Now that the "shock and awe" of 9/11 has worn off and many conservatives (true conservatives) are beginning to think about what they are learning, the tactic of associating questions about 9/11 with extreme liberalism has become standard practice. No true conservative wants to be called a liberal so this is a very effective technique of control. I think some would even insist that the sky is green if they were told its liberal to think its blue. This polarization of thought has controlled the masses for ages. The two-party system itself is designed as a control mechanism. This is why you think you must vote for the lesser of two evils come election time, and then you feel good about it and feel like you had some control over the outcome, whether the candidate really represents your views or not.

Once one looks at the facts about what happened on 9/11, they are forced to look closer or consciously retreat into willful denial. I challenge you who consider yourself to be patriotic Americans to look at it seriously, if you have any concern about where our country is going at all. I can promise you if you still think that America was just asleep or that those 19 hijackers really planned and prepared enough to pull it off, you have not looked at the facts, facts that are widely available on the internet from mainstream sources. It will not make you more liberal or conservative but it will change the way you think.

Conservative big wheels can continue to put their followers heads in the sand about 9/11 through associative implication, but the masses are waking up by not listening and it only serves to drive informed conservative audiences away. Become a thinking conservative, ditto-ism isnt as cool as it once was. American patriotism is.

What is the current situation and who is the enemy?

Before I get in trouble

Just for the record, I am pro-Israel (the people, not those within their government that are neo-conservative, Zionist extremists). However, I do not consider myself a Christian Zionist as it is beginning to be known. I have changed my affiliation with such a label because much like the label conservative, the term no longer is anchored to the truth it once was thanks to the neo-conservative powers that have attached themselves with traditional conservatism. This relativity shift has confused and deceived many in both groups, conservatives and supporters of the Jewish people.

My purpose in this little writing is not to discuss the distinction between biblical Judaism, the people of Israel and modern day Zionists state or the corruption within Israels government, some of its leaders and the Mossad. Israel is in a very similar situation as the US as far as corruption within goes, just diluted by a smaller bureaucracy than our own government is. Remember also that Jesus said (in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) that there would be those that claim to be Jews but are not true Jews. Let me just encourage you all to look into what modern traditional Jews think about it all through some of these sources, Im not agreeing with all they support either but consider these Jews in your thinking and prayers about this subject:

and a bunch of them here:

Having said all of that, I continue: I believe Israel has a right and should defend itself against enemy attacks. I believe that the Jewish PEOPLE, are Gods promised. And, just so its clear, regardless of what Joel Olsteen said to Larry King about what it takes to get into heaven or what George Bush says about Christians and Muslims praying to the same god, Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father (from a traditionally Christian point of view anyway). That means the Jewish people still must get to the Father through Jesus Christ, just as Gentiles do, as He Himself told his Jewish followers. They must be personally born again. I am also well aware of the Abrahamic covenant and Gods promises to Israel, but it is irrelevant in this case because it is Gods job to fulfill His promises, not mans.

July 12, 2006 Israeli soldiers kidnapped

Just to be clear, the beginning of the current flare-up in Lebanon has been all but erased in the daily mainstream press. I believe this is to form an intentional public opinion and keep people in fear and anticipation. Please follow the links that follow to the very first news stories after the Israeli soldiers were kidnapped. LOOK AT THE DATES of these stories and notice that they all state that the soldiers were captured on the Lebanese side of the border with Israel. This fact has been buried for good. [Forbes 7/12/06] [Hindustan Times 7/12/06] [Bahrain News Agency 7/12/06] [ 7/12/06] [ 7/12/06] [AFP 7/12/06] [chinabroadcast 7/12/06] [Asia Times 7/15/06] [ 7/18/06]

There should be no surprise here, yet the terminology in almost all reports after those early stories use the word kidnapped. That includes both the liberal and fair and balanced news agencies.

I stated to some people back when Israel pulled out of Gaza that they would eventually use some pretext to come back with force. Israel knew that any soldier crossing the border was subject to capture (or kidnapping)by its enemy so this was no surprise (see the stories at [JPost 7/12/06] and [SFGate 7/21/06].)

Having pointed these facts out, let me state again that yes, Hezbollah, Hamas, militant Islamic extremists, and Al Qaeda are mean and evil. Yes they want to kill westerners and see the Jewish people destroyed. I dont try to detract from that. (I dont believe they are omnipotent like they seem to be made out to be, but thats a different subject - fear) It will be that way until Jesus returns. Check out what Pat Buchanan has said: Where are the Christians? and No, this is not 'our war'. He is right about this.

Is this the beginning of Armageddon?

If it is, and it may or may not be, how do we act or react as believers? Does God require us to encourage war to help hurry the end times along so we can hurry up and get on with our promised heavenly eternity? Is God using Rush, Shawn Hannity and OReilly to guide our thinking, influence our opinions as believers? I have heard several big-time conservative hosts and leaders (Newt Gingrich for one) state that this is world war 3 and that this is good for America. What a statement! I dont think so!

We are blessed with Gods Holy Word as our ultimate guide to Gods character and how we should act, react and think. I say that, to contrast how our thinking and opinion is to be formed and guided by Holy Scripture, not by fair and balanced news, conservative talk show hosts or even big, successful Christian leaders.

The more we allow man and not God to form our thinking the more things get blurred and confused. For example, terms like anti-Semitism become representations of a new meaning, sometimes slowly over generations (anti-Semitism used to mean against the Semitic speaking people, in short all Middle Eastern languages, to include Arabs and Jews. It now means anti-Zionism as a label.) The same is true of many modern profanities and of the confederate flag of the southern United States, which is interpretable as being a racist symbol but was nothing of the like originally.

These meanings are formed by powerful influences on society usually with agendas.

What is the effect of blindly buying into the idea that this is it and cheering on an aggressive war in the Middle East, not to mention patriotically supporting taking over the entire region permanently for ourselves? I believe all of this may be in order to distract Americans and particularly those who believe strongly that this is justified at least partly because it might be the beginning of the end according to scripture, so that the global agenda being so blatantly pursued and accelerated by certain world leaders can take place with little or no resistance from the truly conservative, truly patriotic, thinking free people of America and the world. Not to mention, Syria and Iran are linked to it all so we are heading towards American involvement faster than you know, another pretext against them both. See - Syria emerges front and center.

What is the current situation and who is the enemy?

This brings us full circle back to the title I used. What is the current situation and who is the enemy? If we are being distracted as I suggested previously so that an agenda can move forward, who is the true enemy? Being a Bible believing Christian and considering all I have said in this piece I must conclude that the ultimate enemy is not radical Islamic terrorists, as evil and deliberate as they can be. It is the system of antichrist which is in our world and moving us closer to that goal which one day will require that all people be controlled and bow to it or die.

Thus it should not surprise us that our liberties are threatened by nearly all legislation being passed by our legislators or by nearly every executive order treaty, secret or public, that our President signs.

The fact that we Christians should expect this, however, does not necessitate that we sit idly by as falsely patriotic Americans and accept all the propaganda and loss of liberty that has been dealt our republic from within these last decades and years. On the contrary. Our founding fathers fought such a mindset. If they hadnt, we would not have gained independence from Britain.

Wake up, get informed and pray

So before you cheer too loudly for more war and aggression in the Middle East, consider where we find ourselves here at home. Who is the real enemy of the people of the United States? Are we being enraged towards the wrong objectives?

I propose that according to scripture, there has been an age old agenda by an enemy, Satan himself, that does appear to be peaking in recent times and that Islamic terrorists and rogue states are dangerous patsies for bigger principalities and powers that are often operating hidden in plain view. Why then does our culture of fear focus on the lesser of the evils? Because we are not supposed to notice the big storm clouds of global dominion gathering on the horizon through the erosion of the original American Republic. If we notice it, we can pray against it, pray that Gods will be done, we can speak out against it. But for sure, we have to see it first.

Dont be lulled into acceptance and complacency towards mans policies, they have proven to be corrupt more times than not throughout our worlds short history. Americas history has not been exempt and the Middle East is pivotal in both those histories.

Reminding you that nothing catches God by surprise and He wants us to resist and expose the works of darkness. To not do so is to be in fellowship with it according to Ephesians 5.