
Florida, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What is the current situation and who is the enemy?

Before I get in trouble

Just for the record, I am pro-Israel (the people, not those within their government that are neo-conservative, Zionist extremists). However, I do not consider myself a Christian Zionist as it is beginning to be known. I have changed my affiliation with such a label because much like the label conservative, the term no longer is anchored to the truth it once was thanks to the neo-conservative powers that have attached themselves with traditional conservatism. This relativity shift has confused and deceived many in both groups, conservatives and supporters of the Jewish people.

My purpose in this little writing is not to discuss the distinction between biblical Judaism, the people of Israel and modern day Zionists state or the corruption within Israels government, some of its leaders and the Mossad. Israel is in a very similar situation as the US as far as corruption within goes, just diluted by a smaller bureaucracy than our own government is. Remember also that Jesus said (in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) that there would be those that claim to be Jews but are not true Jews. Let me just encourage you all to look into what modern traditional Jews think about it all through some of these sources, Im not agreeing with all they support either but consider these Jews in your thinking and prayers about this subject:

and a bunch of them here:

Having said all of that, I continue: I believe Israel has a right and should defend itself against enemy attacks. I believe that the Jewish PEOPLE, are Gods promised. And, just so its clear, regardless of what Joel Olsteen said to Larry King about what it takes to get into heaven or what George Bush says about Christians and Muslims praying to the same god, Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father (from a traditionally Christian point of view anyway). That means the Jewish people still must get to the Father through Jesus Christ, just as Gentiles do, as He Himself told his Jewish followers. They must be personally born again. I am also well aware of the Abrahamic covenant and Gods promises to Israel, but it is irrelevant in this case because it is Gods job to fulfill His promises, not mans.

July 12, 2006 Israeli soldiers kidnapped

Just to be clear, the beginning of the current flare-up in Lebanon has been all but erased in the daily mainstream press. I believe this is to form an intentional public opinion and keep people in fear and anticipation. Please follow the links that follow to the very first news stories after the Israeli soldiers were kidnapped. LOOK AT THE DATES of these stories and notice that they all state that the soldiers were captured on the Lebanese side of the border with Israel. This fact has been buried for good. [Forbes 7/12/06] [Hindustan Times 7/12/06] [Bahrain News Agency 7/12/06] [ 7/12/06] [ 7/12/06] [AFP 7/12/06] [chinabroadcast 7/12/06] [Asia Times 7/15/06] [ 7/18/06]

There should be no surprise here, yet the terminology in almost all reports after those early stories use the word kidnapped. That includes both the liberal and fair and balanced news agencies.

I stated to some people back when Israel pulled out of Gaza that they would eventually use some pretext to come back with force. Israel knew that any soldier crossing the border was subject to capture (or kidnapping)by its enemy so this was no surprise (see the stories at [JPost 7/12/06] and [SFGate 7/21/06].)

Having pointed these facts out, let me state again that yes, Hezbollah, Hamas, militant Islamic extremists, and Al Qaeda are mean and evil. Yes they want to kill westerners and see the Jewish people destroyed. I dont try to detract from that. (I dont believe they are omnipotent like they seem to be made out to be, but thats a different subject - fear) It will be that way until Jesus returns. Check out what Pat Buchanan has said: Where are the Christians? and No, this is not 'our war'. He is right about this.

Is this the beginning of Armageddon?

If it is, and it may or may not be, how do we act or react as believers? Does God require us to encourage war to help hurry the end times along so we can hurry up and get on with our promised heavenly eternity? Is God using Rush, Shawn Hannity and OReilly to guide our thinking, influence our opinions as believers? I have heard several big-time conservative hosts and leaders (Newt Gingrich for one) state that this is world war 3 and that this is good for America. What a statement! I dont think so!

We are blessed with Gods Holy Word as our ultimate guide to Gods character and how we should act, react and think. I say that, to contrast how our thinking and opinion is to be formed and guided by Holy Scripture, not by fair and balanced news, conservative talk show hosts or even big, successful Christian leaders.

The more we allow man and not God to form our thinking the more things get blurred and confused. For example, terms like anti-Semitism become representations of a new meaning, sometimes slowly over generations (anti-Semitism used to mean against the Semitic speaking people, in short all Middle Eastern languages, to include Arabs and Jews. It now means anti-Zionism as a label.) The same is true of many modern profanities and of the confederate flag of the southern United States, which is interpretable as being a racist symbol but was nothing of the like originally.

These meanings are formed by powerful influences on society usually with agendas.

What is the effect of blindly buying into the idea that this is it and cheering on an aggressive war in the Middle East, not to mention patriotically supporting taking over the entire region permanently for ourselves? I believe all of this may be in order to distract Americans and particularly those who believe strongly that this is justified at least partly because it might be the beginning of the end according to scripture, so that the global agenda being so blatantly pursued and accelerated by certain world leaders can take place with little or no resistance from the truly conservative, truly patriotic, thinking free people of America and the world. Not to mention, Syria and Iran are linked to it all so we are heading towards American involvement faster than you know, another pretext against them both. See - Syria emerges front and center.

What is the current situation and who is the enemy?

This brings us full circle back to the title I used. What is the current situation and who is the enemy? If we are being distracted as I suggested previously so that an agenda can move forward, who is the true enemy? Being a Bible believing Christian and considering all I have said in this piece I must conclude that the ultimate enemy is not radical Islamic terrorists, as evil and deliberate as they can be. It is the system of antichrist which is in our world and moving us closer to that goal which one day will require that all people be controlled and bow to it or die.

Thus it should not surprise us that our liberties are threatened by nearly all legislation being passed by our legislators or by nearly every executive order treaty, secret or public, that our President signs.

The fact that we Christians should expect this, however, does not necessitate that we sit idly by as falsely patriotic Americans and accept all the propaganda and loss of liberty that has been dealt our republic from within these last decades and years. On the contrary. Our founding fathers fought such a mindset. If they hadnt, we would not have gained independence from Britain.

Wake up, get informed and pray

So before you cheer too loudly for more war and aggression in the Middle East, consider where we find ourselves here at home. Who is the real enemy of the people of the United States? Are we being enraged towards the wrong objectives?

I propose that according to scripture, there has been an age old agenda by an enemy, Satan himself, that does appear to be peaking in recent times and that Islamic terrorists and rogue states are dangerous patsies for bigger principalities and powers that are often operating hidden in plain view. Why then does our culture of fear focus on the lesser of the evils? Because we are not supposed to notice the big storm clouds of global dominion gathering on the horizon through the erosion of the original American Republic. If we notice it, we can pray against it, pray that Gods will be done, we can speak out against it. But for sure, we have to see it first.

Dont be lulled into acceptance and complacency towards mans policies, they have proven to be corrupt more times than not throughout our worlds short history. Americas history has not been exempt and the Middle East is pivotal in both those histories.

Reminding you that nothing catches God by surprise and He wants us to resist and expose the works of darkness. To not do so is to be in fellowship with it according to Ephesians 5.

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