
Florida, United States

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day, patriots

I am thankful for those who have sacrificed for our liberties today, both the living and the dead. I will wear my KIA bracelet all day bearing the name of Ranger PFC Roy Brown Jr. who was killed on 20 Dec 1989 during Op. “Just Cause” in Panama. I also helped carry Spc. Manriquelozano (Manrique) of D company 2/504 to a medi-vac helicopter who later died during that invasion. I pray for their loved ones today. I have no doubt these men believed they were doing what was right by their country. But I also want to remember true liberty itself today because it has been a casualty of our wars since at least World War II. I could write volumes myself on this but these two articles cover “patriotism” very well:
Mindless patriotism is a destructive force. It is the sworn enemy of biblical Christianity” - Steve Wilkins.
Christian Patriotism” -
The Danger of False Patriotism” - Steve Wilkins

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