
Florida, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Recent Terror Scares...

Ok, I have to bring this up: As we are starting to see now there's almost a plane a week now with some kind of scare. People are understandably freaking out. I have been following the recent UK foiled terror plot rather closely and I have to point some things out. Please consider the following:

  • None of the supposed terrorists had purchased a single airline ticket

  • Many of them did not have passports, which basically means they probably were some time from even being able to fly out of the country.

  • No bombs had been made, period.

  • They were ALL under surveillance and on terror watch lists.

  • According to news reports the British government had MI5 agents fully infiltrated in the group and wanted to wait at least a week from the announcement (the whole thing was made public on August 10 making the original target arrest date the 17) before busting the liquid bomber cell.

  • It has been revealed that the acknowledged time line of the attack indicates it was to occur on August 16 which would mean that the arrests would have taken place only after the actual attacks.

  • The United States and Britain (Bush and Blair in fact) discussed (had full knowledge of) the plot the SUNDAY BEFORE the Thursday when all the airline restrictions went into effect! The threat was so bad that they waited until after the arrests were made to cause extreme paranoia in the public sector, around the globe.

  • Biggest thing to know is that the type of bombs, TATP (triacetone triperoxide) bombs, that officially were going to be made on the fly, literally are impossible to make on an airliner.

Read the following excerpt from the article: 'Liquid Bombers Prove: 'They Hate Our Freedoms!' :

A friend with a doctorate in chemistry sent me the following:

"According to the official government story, TATP (triacetone triperoxide) was the explosive these conspirators were planning to manufacture aboard the airliners.

"This story is not plausible for a number of reasons, but let's take a quick look at just enough of the science so as not to provide anybody with a guide to making an actual bomb: TATP is made from hydrogen peroxide solution, acetone and sulfuric acid. The reaction can be carried out with just about any concentration, but is best done with concentrated solutions of both peroxide and acetone.

"The peroxide and acetone can be pre-mixed, but the acid must be added, a drop at a time, to the solution, all the while continuously stirring it and keeping it continuously chilled. This step of the process will take several hours, during which the fumes given off will be substantial and quite overpowering, thus a lab-quality air evacuation system is required. (ES: right here, the whole idea of a TATP bomb becomes ludicrous. Difficult in a lab, but impossible in an airplane due to the environment - the toilet - and the time requirement.)

"One then must let the resulting solution stand for an extended period at temperatures above the freezing point, but definitely below 10 Celsius (50 Fahrenheit). Above 10 Celsius, the TATP does not form; instead, diperoxide forms, which is so unstable it cannot be worked with. The time required for the reaction to go to completion is at least 24 hours and often several days.

"Once the TATP forms, it crystallizes as snowflakes from the solution and must be harvested by filtration and the liquid discarded. The TATP then is dried and carefully stored until needed. It must be stored below 10 Celsius or it converts spontaneously to the unstable diperoxide.

"There is neither the time, the workspace nor the other materials required to make TATP on an airliner. The time required, the temperatures required, the workspace required and the need to dry the chemical prior to use preclude this story being reasonable. This chemical process is much more sensitive than making, for example, nitroglycerin."

The technically proficient reading this will recognize that a necessary step has been omitted and some others have been altered in critical ways. None of these purposeful camouflages alter the ingredients or the time, care and equipment required. Nor will I describe how TATP can be fabricated beforehand and then detonated aboard an airliner in flight. After all, though we want to demonstrate the impossibility of what has been claimed, we don't want anybody actually trying this at home - and there really are some genuine whack jobs out there. After all, we elect some of them to public office.

An excellent (and humorous) on-line discussion by British writer Thomas Greene, also as to why TATP simply cannot be made aboard a plane: "Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?" Mr. Greene agrees with my friend, the PhD in chemistry, and concludes his description of the process of creating TATP with: "So the fabled binary liquid explosive - that is, the sudden mixing of hydrogen peroxide and acetone with sulfuric acid to create a plane-killing explosion, is out of the question."

So it's impossible to make TATP as claimed, yet still they confiscate liquids from us, including sodas and baby formula, not to mention toothpaste and, even, lipsticks? Even if possible to make TATP as claimed, the individual smells of peroxide, acetone and sulfuric acid are obvious enough to preclude people having to be shaken down and terrorized by the airport Gestapo in this fashion. You have to wonder: Just exactly what is going on?

There are a lot of similarities to this almost attack and the August 15th 1998 Omagh bombing in which MI5 had infiltrated a real IRA cell, knew the attack time/date, location and even tracked the vehicle to the location yet somehow it managed to still happen. And this was not the first time...

We have to snap out of this culture of fear being promoted so blatantly, especially by the media and the administration on a daily basis. Guys there is an attempt to drown public opinion in extreme and constant fear. Please see it for what it is and be in serious prayer for guidance and wisdom.

Remember the Lord says...

But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil."
(Proverbs 1:33)

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